
Advancing ICT Governance and Best Practices

ICT Governance is the continuous process of aligning ICT strategies with business objectives while optimizing ICT investments and mitigating risks. It involves establishing clear policies, procedures, and decision models to direct and monitor ICT strategy formulation and execution, ensuring transparency, accountability, and sustained business value delivery

ICT Governance: Policies, processes, and structures that ensure ICT aligns with the organization’s overall strategy. It involves setting clear direction, managing risks, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Best Practices: Well-defined methods and approaches proven effective in ICT management. They cover areas, such as project management, ICT security, and service delivery areas.

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Information Security

The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with attackers developing ever-more sophisticated tactics. Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool for organizations to fight back and improve their information security posture. By harnessing its capabilities to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and automate tasks, AI offers significant advantages in protecting information systems and data. Our current efforts are concentrated in three areas: (1) advanced threat detection and prevention, (2) streamlined incident response and risk mitigation, and (3) enhanced user security.

Knowledge Network: Connecting UNU and Data on the intranet

This initiative aims to bridge the gap between people and information within an organization. The knowledge network fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and better decision-making. Here is a breakdown of the network.

Centralized Hub: The knowledge network acts as a central repository for all forms of organizational knowledge. This can include documents, policies, best practices, project information, FAQs, and even expert profiles.

Content Accessibility: Information is categorized, tagged, and indexed using a user-friendly search function. This allows employees to easily find the specific knowledge they need, regardless of its format or location within the intranet.

Collaboration Features: The network goes beyond static storage. It incorporates tools that encourage interaction and knowledge exchange. This can include discussion forums, wikis, and knowledge-base commenting features, enabling employees to share insights, ask questions, and contribute their expertise.

Social Learning: The network leverages the power of social connections within the organization. Employees can follow colleagues with specific expertise or subscribe to topic feeds to stay updated on relevant information and discussions.

AI Automation for Efficient Workflows

AI and automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of workflows across various industries and domains.  To increase efficiency and productivity and reducing manual effort across UNU, we focus on the following areas:

  • Intelligent process automation using machine learning to identify and automate repetitive tasks
  • Natural language processing for automating data entry, document processing, and communication
  • Robotic process automation for automating rule-based, structured tasks across different applications
  • Decision support systems leveraging AI for optimizing processes and resource allocation

The key benefits include reduced errors, increased speed and throughput, cost savings, and improved consistency, allowing our workforce to focus on higher-value tasks.

Empowering Research with AI Assistant

The research landscape is undergoing a significant transformation with the emergence of AI assistants. These intelligent tools augment researchers’ capabilities, streamline workflows, uncover new insights, and accelerate scientific discovery. Here are some examples of how AI assistants are empowering research across various disciplines:

Efficient Literature Review

AI assistants can quickly summarize and synthesize large volumes of research papers, helping researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of a topic in a fraction of the time. They can identify key findings, methodologies, and gaps in existing literature.

Identifying Research Gaps and Questions

By analyzing existing literature, AI can pinpoint unanswered questions and unexplored areas ripe for further research. This can guide researchers in formulating novel research questions and hypotheses.

Generating Initial Drafts and Outlines

AI can assist in drafting initial versions of research papers, literature reviews, or grant proposals based on prompts and guidelines provided by the researcher. This can save significant time in the writing process.

Enhancing Accessibility

AI assistants can help make research more accessible by summarizing complex papers in plain language or translating materials into different languages. This expands the reach and impact of research.

Improving Research Methodology

AI can analyze datasets, suggest appropriate statistical methods, and even run simulations to test hypotheses. This can strengthen the rigor and validity of research designs.


The current approach to GIS represents an example of standardization through license consolidation. Currently, there are situations in which effort and costs associated with procurement and license management is duplicated across institutes. GIS was a situation in which multiple institutes purchased and managed licenses for this type of research tool and software independently.

Subsequently, access to GIS tools has been uneven, with some institutes being able to utilize specific GIS features that others cannot. Given that spatial information is increasingly vital in research and education initiatives, this disparity hinders the ability of researchers at some institutes to fully explore and utilize the most comprehensive range of tools which would benefit their research.

With the consolidation into one agreement, leveraging GIS capabilities through ESRI’s comprehensive ecosystem can be a powerful tool in driving capacity building and promoting digital transformation. Unlimited licensing available for both current GIS users and those with the curiosity to explore how Esri’s GIS and related applications can be applied to their research or educational context provides additional infrastructure for the development and sharing of research data, benefiting both current and future projects with impact.