Research Blog and Cybersecurity News
- Rei Meguro and Ng S. T. Chong, AdaPhish: AI-Powered Adaptive Defense and Education Resource Against Deceptive Emails, 4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC).
- Ng S. T. Chong, Beyond the URL: A Live Demo of Credential and Token Theft, Cybersecurity Webinar Series, United Nations University, November 2024.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Practical Solutions for Detecting and Mitigating MFA Bypass Attacks, Presented at the 2024 UNU ICT Workshop, Macau, 2024.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Proposal for Microsoft: Strengthening Azure Identity Protection through Innovative Proactive Alerts, United Nations University, May 2024.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Presented the UNU Data Loss Prevention Program at the 2023 UN-CEB-DTN-Information Security Special Interest Group (UNISSIG) hosted by UNICEF, Valencia, Spain.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Presented UN-CEB-DTN Minimum Cybersecurity Baseline version 3 at the 2023 DTN Spring session hosted by the International Monetary Fund, Washington DC. The baseline was subsequently approved by the UN-CEB-DTN.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Feature Distribution Matching for Federated Domain Generalization, 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Federated Phish Bowl: LSTM-Based Decentralized Phishing Email Detection, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2022. It also appears in IEEE Xplore.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Threat Hunting: SAML Vulnerability Allows G Suite User Impersonation via Active Directory, September 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Information Stealing in Federated Learning Systems Based on Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC), 2021.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Threat Hunting: Security Vulnerability in Mac Version of Microsoft Outlook Allows Concealment of Link Addresses. Findings were disclosed to Microsoft in April 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Network Flows-Based Malware Detection Using A Combined Approach of Crawling And Deep Learning, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, 2021.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Text-based Malicious Domain Names Detection Based on Variational Autoencoder And Supervised Learning, 54th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2020.
- Yuwei Sun, Ng S. T. Chong, Hideya Ochiai, Malicious Domain Names Detection Based on TF-IDF and Variational Autoencoder: Classification with Quantum-enhanced Support Vector Machine. Proceedings of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Tech. Rep., vol. 119, no. 275, SC2019-23, pp. 19-23, November 2019.
- Ng S. T. Chong, UNU ICT Roadmap 2016-2017, January 2016.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Next Generation Project Management Roadmap, December 2015.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Next Generation Intranet – Key Design Elements, September 2014.
- Ng S. T. Chong, UNU ICT Strategy 2014-2019, March 2014.
- Ng S. T. Chong, invited speaker for the Roundtable Discussion on Evidence-based policy making in addressing wildlife crime – The role of scientists, NGOs, national policymakers and UN agencies in bringing about a transboundary enforcement monitoring system, Tokyo Conference on Combating Wildlife Crime, March 2014. Photos and WEMS Initiative
- Chandran, R., Chong, N.S.T., Doll, C., Lee, Y.L., Mathai, V., & Nguyen, K. “Bytes Beyond Borders: Strengthening Transboundary Information Sharing on Wildlife Crime through the Wildlife Enforcement Monitoring System (WEMS) Initiative“, Policy Brief (pp. 8), United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies, February 2013.
- Ng S. T. Chong “United Nations University Flexible Computer Strategy“, C3 Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 2, August 22, 2012
- Ng S. T. Chong “UN University ERP Roadmap“, presentation delivered at the IPSAS training workshop, June 1, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Ng S. T. Chong “United Nations Cloud for the Advancement of Information Ecosystem in Africa with a Special Focus on Wildlife Enforcement”, presentation at Kenya Wildlife Service Headquarters, May 23-25, 2011, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Ng S. T. Chong “Multi-Data Center Model and Architecture“, Technical Paper, April 7, 2011, Tokyo, Japan,
- Ng S. T. Chong “UN University ICT Governance“, Discussion Paper, February 17, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ng S. T. Chong “UN University One Computer and Open Networking Strategy“, Technical report, November 1, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ng S. T. Chong “WEMS (Wildlife Enforcement and Monitoring System): UNU Global Office Perspective“, Presentation delivered at the Ministry of Environment and Forests/Government of India, February 18, 2010, New Delhi, India.
- Ng S. T. Chong “UNU Global Office“, part of the UNU ICT strategy, August 2009
- Ng S. T. Chong and Michihiro Yamamoto “Using many Wikis for Collaborative Writing”, ED-MEDIA 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 26-30, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Michihiro Yamamoto, and Teeratep Sosakul“Automating the collaborative and distributed production of electronic lectures”, SITE 2006 – Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, March 20-24, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Michihiro Yamamoto “Collaborative Learning using Wiki and FlexNetDiscuss: A Pilot Study”, 5th IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, January 2006, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
- Michihiro Yamamoto and Ng S. T. Chong “Syndication of Discussion Metadata for Improved Access to Educational Content”,4th IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, February 2005, Grindelwald, Switzerland.
- Michihiro Yamamoto and Ng S. T. Chong “Bringing Discussion to Documents for the Creation of Richer Metadata”, 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, November 2004, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Ng S. T. Chong “Annotation-based Web Communications Systems: A Review“, UNU Technical Report CS-3408-Oct-2003.
- Ng S. T. Chong “FlexNetDiscuss – A Model and Architecture for Collaboration using Two-way Associative Hyperlinks”, 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, August 2003, Nottingham, UK.
- Ng S. T. Chong “FlexNetDiscuss: a Generalized Contextual Group Communications System to Support Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 2003, Athens, Greece.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Teeratep Sosakul “A Framework for Video-centered Discussons on the Web”, ED-MEDIA 2003, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 2003, Hawaii, USA. Best Paper Award
- Ng S. T. Chong, Panrit Tosukhowong, and Masao Sakauchi“WhiteboardVCR: a Web Lecture Production Tool for Combining Human Narration and Text-to-Speech Synthesis”, Vol.5 Issue 4 of Educational Technology & Society Journal, October 2002.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi “Discussing Web Pages with Chat-pointers in E-coBrowse”, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, 17:1, May 2002.
- Zhao Jianhua, Li Kedong, Ng S. T. Chong, and Kanji Akahori “Peer Modeling and its Application in Web-based Intelligent Collaborative Learning Systems” ICCE 2001, International Conference on Computers in Education, November 12-15, 2001, South Korea.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi “E-coBrowse: an Extensible Web (co)Navigation Framework” WebNet 2001, October 23-27, 2001, Orlando, Florida.
- Ng S. T. Chong “Taking e-Learning Education into the Future – the Global Knowledge Hall” presented at the Workshop on Sharing Knowledge and Experience in Implementing ICTs in Universities, jointly organized by EUA / IAU / IAUP, Skagen, Denmark, May 4-6, 2001.
- Ng S. T. Chong “Innovations in e-Learning Education” presented at the Workshop on Virtual University for Environmental Sustainability, Arendal, Norway, April 24-25, 2001.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Panrit Tosukhowong and Masao Sakauchi:WhiteboardVCR – a Presentation Tool using Text-to-Speech Agents,ICALT 2001 – IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, August 2001, Madison, USA.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Ney André de Mello Zunino: Net Knowledge Presenter and Content Reuse, ED-MEDIA 2001, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 2001, Tampere, Finland.
- T. Tschang and T. Della Senta: Access to Knowledge – New Information Technologies and the Emergence of the Virtual University. More information from Elsevier Science here.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Creating and Sharing Web Notes via a Standard Browser, 16th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada. Also published in OUTLOOK, the ACM SIGCUE Bulletin, September 2001.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: E-coBrowse: Co-navigating the Web with Chat-pointers and Add-ins: Problems and Promises, 12th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Collaborative Technologies Symposium, November 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp 803-808. PDF
Copyright notice on the use of the reprint: © 2000 IASTED. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IASTED. - Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Chat-pointer and Awareness in Synchronized Web Browsing based on E-coBrowse, IASTED 4th International Conference on Internet, Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA), November 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Rodolfo Pinto Da Luz, Irla Bocianoski Rebelo, and Ng S. T. Chong:Institute of Advanced Studies Virtual Tour, 3rd Workshop on Virtual Reality, October 2000, Gramado, Brazil.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Classroom Anywhere: a New Software Foundation in Distance Learning, 1st International Conference on Distance Education and Open Learning, September 2000, Australia.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: GCC- IRC: a Multi-mode Chat for Coordinated Interaction, 5th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (poster session), July 2000, Finland.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Classroom Anywhere: an Initiative of the United Nations University, INET 2000, July 2000, Yohokama, Japan.
- Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Back to the Basics: a First Class Chalkboard and More, 15th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 2000, Como, Italy.
- Ng S. T. Chong: Internet Technologies: Towards Advanced Infrastructure and Learning Applications, Access to Knowledge: New Information Technologies and the Emergence of the Virtual University, International Association of Universities Press, Paris and Pergamon, Oxford, 2000.
- Shirabe Ogino, Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Infrastructure for the Virtual University, 7th International Conference on Computers in Education, November 1999, Chiba, Japan
- Shirabe Ogino, Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: Application of sub-SmartSearch for Particular Search Requests, IASTED 3rd International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, October 1999, Nassau, Bahamas.
- Shirabe Ogino, Ng S. T. Chong and Masao Sakauchi: SmartSearch as Information Database for Virtual University, ED-MEDIA 99, June 1999, Seattle.
- Ng S. T. Chong, Shirabe Ogino and Masao Sakauchi: Towards a Ubiquitous Virtual University, 10th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, April 1999, Florida.
- Ng S. T. Chong: The Virtual University – Promises, Issues, Challenges, and Trends, 1998 Shanghai International Open and Distance Education Symposium, April 1998, Shanghai, China.
- Ng S. T. Chong: Higher Education over the Internet: Dawn of the Virtual University, UNESCO Regional Conference on Higher Education – National Strategies for the 21st Century, July 1997, Tokyo, Japan.