Home / IMF Targeted by Cyberattack, Highlighting Rise in Identity Theft

IMF Targeted by Cyberattack, Highlighting Rise in Identity Theft

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently disclosed a cyberattack targeting their email systems. While the investigation is ongoing, it’s confirmed that eleven email accounts were compromised [*]. The IMF is expected to share more intimate details about the compromise through the UN DTN (Digital Technology Network).

Criminals increasingly target email accounts to steal sensitive information or impersonate individuals for fraud. This incident is a stark reminder of the growing threat of identity attacks. It is a wake-up call for all organizations to reassess their cybersecurity measures and ensure a robust cybersecurity program is in place that responds quickly and effectively when incidents occur.

[*] https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2024/03/15/pr2488-imf-investigates-cyber-security-incident