Home / Level Up Your Phone’s Security: Essential Tips from the NSA

Level Up Your Phone’s Security: Essential Tips from the NSA

Worried about hackers getting into your phone? You’re not alone. The National Security Agency (NSA) has put together a powerful toolkit to help you fight against cyber threats [1] and cautions that certain smartphone functionalities, while offering ease of use and powerful capabilities, compromise security and expose users to potential risks.

Mobile devices have become indispensable tools for communication, productivity, and entertainment. From malware and phishing attacks to data breaches and surveillance threats, the dangers of compromised mobile security are numerous and ever evolving.

Reboot Regularly, But Don’t Stop There

The NSA recommends restarting your device once a week. While this helps against zero-click and spear phishing attacks, it’s not a silver bullet. Proper protection comes from a layered approach.

The Key Layers of Defense

Power Up Your Defenses

  • Reboot Regularly: While not a silver bullet, restarting your phone weekly helps mitigate the risk of zero-click and spear phishing attacks.
  • Software Updates: These patches plug security holes, so install them ASAP!
  • App Selectivity: Only download apps from official stores (like Google Play or Apple App Store) and keep the number to a minimum.
  • Stay Original: Resist the urge to “jailbreak” or “root” your device, as it weakens security.

Lock it Tight

  • Strong Passwords: A minimum 6-digit PIN is a must, especially if your device wipes after 10 failed attempts. Consider even stronger passwords or fingerprint/face recognition for added security.
  • Auto-Lock: Set your phone to lock automatically after a few minutes of inactivity.

Beware of Wireless Woes

  • Public Wi-Fi: Avoid connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi networks [3]. Disable Wi-Fi when not in use and forget old networks you don’t need anymore.
  • Bluetooth Blues: Turn off Bluetooth when not needed. Remember, Airplane Mode might not disable it!

Location, Location, Privacy

  • Location Services: Only enable location services when you need them. There’s no need for them to be on all the time!
  • Sensitive Zones: Leaving your phone at a meeting or in a sensitive location? It might be best to leave it behind altogether.

Guarding Your Conversations

  • Think Before You Click: Don’t open suspicious links or attachments, even from seemingly familiar senders.
  • Privacy Matters: Avoid sensitive conversations on your personal device, even if they seem harmless.

Taking Charge of Security

  • Power Up Safely: Use original charging cords and accessories from trusted manufacturers. Public USB charging stations are a big no-no!
  • Government Connections: Never connect your personal device to government computers via cable, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.

Physical Security

  • Keep it Close: Always maintain physical control of your device and avoid connecting unknown removable media.
  • Microphone Muffler: Consider a protective case that muffles the microphone for added privacy.
  • Camera Cover: When not in use, cover your camera to prevent unauthorized access.

Encryption for Extra Protection

  • Encrypted Communication: For truly sensitive information, consider using apps that encrypt voice calls, texts, and data.

Following these steps, you can significantly improve your smartphone security and protect your data from prying eyes. Remember, a little vigilance goes a long way!


[1] Best Mobile Device Best Practices: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21018353-nsa-mobile-device-best-practices

[2] https://www.fcc.gov/sites/default/files/smartphone_master_document.pdf

[3] SSID Confusion Attack: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/05/31/this-new-wi-fi-attack-can-disable-your-vpn-researcher-warns